Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Scout informs me that she is growing little and Tommy is growing big. When she is little, she says, she will sit in his swing and sleep in his bassinet. And, of course, she's already making use of his carseat and binky. Thus far, all parties have upehld their obligations.

One of my children was laying in bed crying loudly at 3:15 this morning, but not the one you'd expect (he was eating peacefully).

One of my children had a blowout this morning that necessitated the replacement of every item of clothing the child was wearing except the socks, but not the one you'd expect (he kept his inside his diaper).

One of my children cried, squirmed and complained loudly while being changed for and put to bed tonight, but not the one you'd expect (he spent the time calmly sitting in his swing looking around and smiling).

One of my children yells at the camera and produces weird expressions when I try to take pictures, but not the one you'd expect (he looks calm and cute and smiles like a champ).

As for Tommy, he is growing faster than we can believe. We actually had to break out the next size of clothes before he reached the supposed age of those clothes. That's never happened in our house before. He'll be getting new, larger ear molds for his hearing aids tomorrow.

We're now taking bets on which of our children will surrender the binky first. My money is on Tommy.

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