Sunday, March 4, 2012

Striped Tights and Other Fashion Adventures

We've reached that glorious stage through which every little girl must pass. We're out of the nudist phase (mostly) and into the independent dressing phase. This phase is distinguished by garish clothing choices, pattern mixing, multiple outfits per day for no apparent reason, a puzzling refusal to wear certain perfectly cute articles of clothing and an obsession with one or two particular items that can never be worn too many days in a row.
A jumper that's too small, gym shorts and technicolor striped tights? Sure. Heck, those tights will also go nicely with a plaid skirt and heart patterned shirt. At least it's easy to find her in a crowd!


  1. Last year on Eric's birthday I invited my friend and her two children (boy Eric's age and his sister a bit older...) When they arrived my friend commented, "I used to get upset at my mom for letting me wear hideous outfits when I was younger, but now I realize she probably didn't have a choice!"
    I love the crazy outfits that kids choose sometimes! ;).

  2. hahaha. oh yes, this phase is still going strong for makayah. sometimes sam will look at her, shake his head, and say, "go back and change, it looks like your parents don't take care of you."

    the photos are always so fun, though. ;)
