Thursday, February 19, 2009

Faster Please...

I may not be very good at writing on my blog, but I do check it often. I'm always wanting to check on the little baby ticker at the bottom of the page. This is partly because I can't ever remember how many weeks pregnant I am (of all the things to forget...) and partly because I just like the visual of my progress. I like to see little Virginia tootling along in her little car toward the finish line. But I always find myself thinking, can't you go any faster?! She certainly does seem to crawl along.

This week I'm going to the doctor for my 28 week checkup. That means there are only 12 weeks left. Some days that seems very long, and some days it doesn't. Lately, it's seemed short enough that I'm thinking we should have more than just an empty bassinet here waiting for her when she arrives. Maybe it's time to go out and get some baby gear, or at least have my mom mail me the stuff we left in Utah over Christmas break. Diapers, bottles, clothes and a carseat might be nice, huh? Poor baby!

Now that I'm squarely into my third trimester, I have ventured into that part of the baby books that I have thus far vigilantly ignored: labor and delivery. I was very careful only to read about baby's development this week and next, but it's time to prepare myself for birth as well. Fortunately (or not), we get to attend a childbirth and parenting class next month that will tell us everything we need to know. Apparently, they even teach you how to change a diaper. If I didn't know that I'd really be in trouble!

Well, basically the update on the pregnancy is that I'm feeling hot and huge! I know I still have a ways to go as far as the growth is concerned, but that doesn't make me feel any less giant. I have also taken to being the hottest person in every room. I always think it's sweltering when everyone else is completely comfortable. So, despite my careful planning NOT to be pregnant during the sweltering summer, it looks like my life is going to be overheated from now until May anyway.


  1. In my humble's time for some pregnancy photos on this blog. :) Especially for those of us who were unfortunate enough to miss seeing you over the Christmas break! I'm having a hard time imagining you pregnant...

  2. ha know, i'm not big into advance prep - with our most recent, we didn't get a bed or carseat out or anything until 2 days before our due date. yep, 2 days. granted, i did wash clothes 1-2 weeks before that (just b/c we had more to wash, since we didn't know gender)...but if you get stuff out TOO early, then you just have to rewash anyway & it just exacerbates the anxiety you have anyway.
    oh - and if you haven't bought DREFT detergent, don't!!!!!! there are too many "free and clear" varieties out there that are exactly the same & half as much. purex & all are our current favorites. if you have some dreft, use the one bottle & never go back. i love unscented stuff & haven't used anything but for 5 years.
    i'll send you an email with my other baby product faves! this "comment" is too much of a novel already...sorry!

  3. Oh honey, I hear ya. When I was 4 months along I thought I couldn't wait another minute to have my precious baby! But wait I did, and even 6 days late of a wait! So I feel your pain. Also, on feeling huge, you will look back at your current pictures in a few weeks and say, "gee, I was so little back then!" Trust me. Unless you're one of those lucky ones who doesn't get huge at the end. I felt like I could actually watch my belly grow from day to day for the last few weeks! And you know what? It was all totally worth it. Because when you hold you little baby girl it is going to be the most amazing thing ever. But I do advise getting the naps and sleep in while you can. Don't be in any hurry for that to go away. Seriously.

  4. So you're going to name her Virginia, huh? That's great. I'm sorry you're so hot. The heat broke in my building this week and my office has been FREEZING (seriously, my fingers are ice blocks as I try to type). Wanna come over?
