Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why do people...

...use other people's Facebook pages for their own political rantings and ravings? I mean really. If you have really strong opinions about a particular candidate or issue and would like to engage in some sort of propaganda-filled hyperbolic diatribe, why do it in someone else's space? This is particularly grating when it's done in response to someone's simple assertion of their position or a benign mention when they're really talking about something else entirely. I don't mind an equally simple and brief expression of an alternate opinion, but I do mind a lengthy, extreme discorse. Live and let live people. We don't all agree; it's okay. And if we want to know what you think or why you think it, we'll come look at your page.

...think that if they're willing to parent their children and provide them with time and attention, there's no need to provide for them financially? Yes, you gave them life; now give them food.

...assume that because certain people share their religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or career, they will also share their political or world views? Different people interpret things different ways. It's okay. Not everyone who disagrees with you is stupid, or even apostate. Really.

...have sensitive telephone conversations on their cell phones in public places? Like the lady behind me on the last flight I took. Long past when all electronic devices were supposed to be off, she's talking to her mom about how much something or other really hurt her feelings (and in tears) and then about whether or not her sister's husband is ever going to go to church again. We all don't want to know. We don't. Just because your phone will let you have this conversation anywhere doesn't mean that you should. Have your private conversations in PRIVATE!

...ask other people to edit papers that haven't been proofread? Okay, mostly my husband does this. Editing and proofreading are not the same thing. Just be sure all the sentences have subjects and predicates before you give it to me please.

...refuse to merge when the signs tell you to? Do you have to drive past everyone else and then try to cut in at the last second? We'd all like to be out of this line just as much as you, but you're not more special or more important just because you're more willing to be a jerk. Wait your turn! thousands of dollars to take classes, and then get annoyed when the class doesn't end early or get canceled around the holidays? Well, you paid a lot of money for a certain number of hours of instruction. Is it so obtuse to assume that you'd like to be instructed for all of those hours?

...move my laundry out of the washer two seconds after the cycle is complete, before I've had a chance to walk back downstairs and change it to the dryer (even though I was faithfully watching the clock) and then say "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to touch your stuff"? Well, whose stuff did you mean to touch?

...use their blogs to complain about their pet peeves? Well, actually, I can answer this one. That's why I have a blog.

::Melanie steps down off her soapbox and peacefully resumes normal life::


  1. You have such rhetorical flair. And I love it. Especially that last line. My heart sunk for a second at the last ellipses. I was afraid you'd caught me. And then I realized you were on my side. And I laughed :) I am concerned, though, that my political rantings have ended up on someone else's facebook page. I apologize. I wish we lived closer so we could commiserate in person. The waters haven't gotten any clearer post-election, unfortunately. I was hoping for a miracle. I forgot for a moment that this whole life things is a process to teach me patience. TVB!

  2. Melanie! I LOVE this. I miss talking to your incredibly competant and reasonable self. Although I'm' sure we've both become more that way with age and maturity...;) I don't suppose one of these paragraphs would have had any inspiraion from one of my recent facebook incidents...? I COMPLETELY agree. I have, in fact, recently removed certain politically charged (fanatical rantings really) comments from my page and calmly explained in an email to that person exactly what your first para says! (And resisted - barely - in rebuttalling to said fanatic ravings) How refreshing to have it put so well. Now I don't feel the need to rant myself:) Also, I love all the other ones! I often think things like these, but would never be able to think of them all at once or say them so eloquently. Oh dear... I think I need to spellcheck this. Sorry.

  3. I agree with 80% of your rants for the day.

  4. Melanie,
    I was reading Megan's blog and saw your link. I absolutely love your writing style and thoroughly enjoyed your thoughts. And all I can say is, "rock on"!
    Love ya,
