I love chocolate cake. It is my absolute favorite food. I might be able to eat it every day. Today I was pondering who first figured out that grinding up wheat and mixing it with unhatched eggs would be a good thing? And who thought that throwing in some cacao might be a good idea? That was a great idea. Well, whoever it was, well done! I am thankful to partake in delectable treats, in particular chocolate cake.
Incidentally, I apologize for the lack of pictures recently. I did take photos for today's post, but for some reason my camera stubbornly refused to focus on the cake, and gave me a nice, clear background instead. Unfortunately (or fortunately), by the time I uploaded the photos to my computer and discovered the problem, the would-be subject of any retakes was gone.
So, instead of a photo, I will leave you to envision chocolate cake in whatever may be your favorite permutation (try this if you're not feeling imaginative). Or, you can make or buy yourself a chocolate cake to look at instead. Or, if you're in Madison, you can come over and eat some of ours; there's plenty left and still will be when we leave town on Saturday.
I promise that tomorrow's post will contain pictures; I've already started taking them (it's a blessing two days in the making).
okay, that link is hilarious!!